Qur'an School Sprouting Education Style!
NEW!!! Qur'an School ONLINE GAME!!!
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Recommended for teaching memorization:
Typical Schedule:
5:30 to 6:00 Upper levels receive instruction from Qur'an teachers
6:00 to 6:30 All levels come together to recite Surah Nas to Duha in unison.
6:30 to 7:00 Each level goes to a table with their color only to receive instruction.
7:00 Jamaat Prayers
6:00 to 6:30 All levels come together to recite Surah Nas to Duha in unison.
6:30 to 7:00 Each level goes to a table with their color only to receive instruction.
7:00 Jamaat Prayers
Color Coded Levels:
White Level:Objective: Memorize Sura Fatiha. Identify the letters in their basic forms.

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Haruf Builder: Use baggie of foam letters to create the Arabic alphabet in order. Start by looking at a paper copy and then doing it from memory.
Haruf Sorter: Use multiple baggies of foam letters to sort letters into in a tackle box.
Playdough Haruf: Use play dough to make Arabic letters or words.
Haruf Memory: Use two sets of matching cards with Haruf or words from the 80% of Qur'anic words to play a game of Memory. Be sure to read each card as it is turned over.
Magna Doodle Haruf: Use a magna doodle toy and a baggie of foam magnetized letters. Use the letters to stamp Haruf on the magna doodle toy. Trace the letters with the magna doodle pen.
Haruf Puzzle: Require students to state the letter name as they put them in the puzzle.
Haruf in various forms: Have the student sort letters into columns to show if the letter occurs in the beginning, middle, or ending form.
Haruf search: Cover some Qur'anic words or verses with clear plastic. Have the student search for the letter and circle a target letter with a Vis a Vis Marker.
Haruf Sorter: Use multiple baggies of foam letters to sort letters into in a tackle box.
Playdough Haruf: Use play dough to make Arabic letters or words.
Haruf Memory: Use two sets of matching cards with Haruf or words from the 80% of Qur'anic words to play a game of Memory. Be sure to read each card as it is turned over.
Magna Doodle Haruf: Use a magna doodle toy and a baggie of foam magnetized letters. Use the letters to stamp Haruf on the magna doodle toy. Trace the letters with the magna doodle pen.
Haruf Puzzle: Require students to state the letter name as they put them in the puzzle.
Haruf in various forms: Have the student sort letters into columns to show if the letter occurs in the beginning, middle, or ending form.
Haruf search: Cover some Qur'anic words or verses with clear plastic. Have the student search for the letter and circle a target letter with a Vis a Vis Marker.
Beige LevelObjectives: Memorize Suras Nas, Falaq, Iqlas. Identify the letters in their different forms.
Lavender Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Lahab, Nasr, Kauthar, and Kafirun. Pronounce letters with short vowel sounds.
Purple Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Maun, Fil, Quraish, Humaza. Read words with long vowel sounds.
Light Blue Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Asr, Takauthar, Qariah, Adiyat. Read words with Sukoon.
Navy Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Zilzal, Bayinna, Qadr, and Alaq. Read words with Tanween.
Light Green Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Tin, Inshurah, Duha, and Lail. Read words with Shaddah.
Dark Green Level: Objectives: Memorize Suras Shams, Balad, Fajr, and Qarshiah. Apply Qalqalah, Ghunnah, Mad, and pronunciation of the strong letters. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the White level.
Yellow Level: Objectives: Memorize entire Juz Amma. Apply Ahkammul Nun, As Sakeena Ahkammul, Meem As Sakeena. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the Beige level.
Orange Level: Objectives: Memorize Juz 29. Apply Madood, and Tahkeem. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the Lavender level.
Red Level:Objectives: Memorize Juz 28. Apply Tarqueen, Ehtida. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the Purple level.
Burgandy Level: Memorize Juz 27, 26, and 25. Apply all Tajweed rules with fluency using color coded Qur'an. Complete 20 hours teaching students on the Light Blue level.
Grey Level: Memorize Suras Kahf, Mariam, Yaseen, Nur. Apply all Tajweed rules with fluency using color coded Qur'an. Complete 20 hours teaching students on the Navy level.
Black Level: Memorize the whole Qur'an. Apply all Tajweed rules with a standard Qur'an. Become familiar with the 8 recitation styles. Improve voice, and recite one Juz in a second recitation style. Complete 20 hours teaching students on the Light Green level.
Lavender Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Lahab, Nasr, Kauthar, and Kafirun. Pronounce letters with short vowel sounds.
Purple Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Maun, Fil, Quraish, Humaza. Read words with long vowel sounds.
Light Blue Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Asr, Takauthar, Qariah, Adiyat. Read words with Sukoon.
Navy Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Zilzal, Bayinna, Qadr, and Alaq. Read words with Tanween.
Light Green Level:Objectives: Memorize Suras Tin, Inshurah, Duha, and Lail. Read words with Shaddah.
Dark Green Level: Objectives: Memorize Suras Shams, Balad, Fajr, and Qarshiah. Apply Qalqalah, Ghunnah, Mad, and pronunciation of the strong letters. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the White level.
Yellow Level: Objectives: Memorize entire Juz Amma. Apply Ahkammul Nun, As Sakeena Ahkammul, Meem As Sakeena. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the Beige level.
Orange Level: Objectives: Memorize Juz 29. Apply Madood, and Tahkeem. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the Lavender level.
Red Level:Objectives: Memorize Juz 28. Apply Tarqueen, Ehtida. Complete 20 hours of teaching students on the Purple level.
Burgandy Level: Memorize Juz 27, 26, and 25. Apply all Tajweed rules with fluency using color coded Qur'an. Complete 20 hours teaching students on the Light Blue level.
Grey Level: Memorize Suras Kahf, Mariam, Yaseen, Nur. Apply all Tajweed rules with fluency using color coded Qur'an. Complete 20 hours teaching students on the Navy level.
Black Level: Memorize the whole Qur'an. Apply all Tajweed rules with a standard Qur'an. Become familiar with the 8 recitation styles. Improve voice, and recite one Juz in a second recitation style. Complete 20 hours teaching students on the Light Green level.